Qualities to Look For in Forklift Tyres

Since the introduction of forklifts, they have proven to be very helpful and effective in handling tasks in different fields including agriculture, construction and warehouses, just but to mention. One of the core parts of a forklift is the tyre, made stronger and following the nature of the surface to run on. Having the right kind of forklift tyres is as important as having the forklift itself. So, here are a few qualities that are worth considering when you are trying to find quality forklift tyres.

Seven qualities of excellent forklift tyres


Understand that forklift tyres are usually used in challenging environments, where other kinds of tyres will not be helpful. Hence, forklift tyres need to be resilient and capable of withstanding heavy loads on a daily basis.

Load capacity:

Every forklift tyre has its load capacity, some having greater load capacities than others. Therefore, it is crucial to find the tyre with the right load capacity to suit your needs.

Resistance to wear and tear:

An excellent forklift tyre can resist wear and tear from friction and impacts for a long period. As a result, it will serve for a couple of years without requiring repairs and replacements.

Temperature resistance:

We have previously mentioned that forklift tyres operate in harsh conditions, which include extreme temperatures. Hence, the tyres should have high resistance to extreme temperatures that is extreme heat and coldness.

Chemical resistance:

This is a crucial feature for the kinds of tyres that will operate in chemical production environments like factories. The outer lining of the tyre should not react with chemical components as it can lead to its degradation.

Ease of installation:

Some forklift tyres are enormous and should not pose challenges while being installed on the vehicle. They should have proper and easier ways of installing and removing from the vehicle to reduce downtime and disruption to operations.


The tyres should provide the needed grip and stability in challenging areas that they operate to avoid damages occurring from accidents and possibly hurting the operators in the process.

Four types of forklift tyres to choose from

Here are four most common types of forklift tyres that you can choose from depending on your nature of work and environment:

Pneumatic tyres:

These are the types of tyres that are filled with air. They provide excellent traction and act as shock absorbers on uneven surfaces. They are mainly used for outdoor activities. Additionally, they are the most common tyres that are used on our normal vehicles.

Solid rubber tyres:

They are entirely in a solid state and not prone to punctures. They provide excellent stability and can withstand heavy load capacity. They are mainly used for indoor activities on smooth surfaces, like in a warehouse.

Polyurethane tyres:

These are lightweight tyres with no markings and are suitable for indoor activities on concrete and asphalt surfaces.

Dual compound tyres:

They combine the characteristics of pneumatic and solid tyres.  The pneumatic feature is placed in the centre and acts as a shock absorber, while the solid feature is placed as the outer layer for durability and puncture resistance.

Some most common qualities of forklift tyres include durability, load capacity, resistance to wear and tear, temperature resistance, chemical resistance, ease of installation and traction. There are main types of forklift tyres namely pneumatic, solid, polyurethane and dual compound tyres.

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